Welcome to the Rural Illinois Paranormal Website
We now have some EVP audio and some Video clips of some of our investigations. You can access them by clicking on the top or side menu for EVP and Video. We are currently going over some more investigation data and will post with permission of the client. Thanks for your patience while we up date our site. If you have any questions or want to have us look into some paranormal activity, Contact either Carroll or Luke from the contact information at the bottom of this page.
Rural Illinois Paranormal (RIP) is founded by Luke Lyerla and Carroll Walker. We have developed great interest in paranormal research and have been developing state of the art techniques to study the paranormal.
Luke Lyerla is a correctional officer and has a deep understanding of the paranormal. Carroll Walker is an electrical / audio Engineer with both experience and scientific knowledge of paranormal investigation techniques.
We stand ready to help whether you have a supernatural activity that is keeping up at night or whatever you need. RIP can help give answers to whether you are experiencing the paranormal.
We are currently under construction for the rest of the page links. You can check out more about us at our facebook link. CLICK HERE